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Te muestro todo lo que escribo sobre la actualidad en marketing, música, psicología, negocios y muchos otros temas más.
Descubre cómo potenciar la captación de clientes y mejorar su experiencia en tu negocio con mi eBook.
Al saber cómo tu cliente procesa el sonido y la música, puedes ajustar tus anuncios, personalizar la música de fondo en tu tienda o cualquier tipo de estrategia basada en la música que prefiere tu cliente.
En este libro descubrirás:
- Las 2 vías fundamentales en que procesamos la música
- Los 5 categorías de tu consumidor musical
- Las herramientas para conocer a tu público objetivo
- Decenas de ejemplos de música aplicada al marketing.
Entradas recientes
How Much Money Would Make You Happy?
Two Nobel laureates have found a price tag to it
7 Types of Headlines To Get Your Audience Hooked With Your Article
A quick guide to matching a title with its content
3 Ways To Market To Teenagers Through Sound
The consumer market of adolescents explained in music terms
No More Guessing — Detecting the Quality of Fruits with Ultrasound
An ingenious way to know when the fruit is ready for harvest
Success Is Not Carved in Stone, Nor Is Failure
This will help you transition from a binary to a growth mindset.
How Should a Sonic Logo Sound?
Good and bad examples so you can distinguish the two
What Music Should I Listen to? Let’s Ask the Weather-Based Music Selector!
Weather influences our emotions and we listen to music for its vibes…why not combine it all into a tailored playlist?
Treating Wastewater With Music Can Be the Next Big Thing
Water is getting scarce and we need all hands on deck to improve its recycling process
3 Weird Experiments You Wouldn’t Expect to Read About in a Scientific Journal
Who said research had to always be so serious?