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Te muestro todo lo que escribo sobre la actualidad en marketing, música, psicología, negocios y muchos otros temas más.

Descubre cómo potenciar la captación de clientes y mejorar su experiencia en tu negocio con mi eBook.
Al saber cómo tu cliente procesa el sonido y la música, puedes ajustar tus anuncios, personalizar la música de fondo en tu tienda o cualquier tipo de estrategia basada en la música que prefiere tu cliente.
En este libro descubrirás:
- Las 2 vías fundamentales en que procesamos la música
- Los 5 categorías de tu consumidor musical
- Las herramientas para conocer a tu público objetivo
- Decenas de ejemplos de música aplicada al marketing.
Entradas recientes
A Strange Way to Success— The Case of Mr. Rent
What can we learn from the business of doing nothing.
Hologram Artists — The Future of Live Performance
The music industry is taking an interesting turn
No, Surveys Aren’t Enough to Understand Your Customer
If we want to know how people react to our products and services, we need a new approach ASAP
Knowing Your Customer’s Emotions With Facial Recognition — Are Companies Using This Technology?
It’s more than just applying it for security reasons
Can We Fool a Facial Recognition Software?
There are certain limits when analyzing someone’s face
Artists Cashing In— Why Are They Selling Their Music Catalogs?
Here’s what’s happening to the digital world of music
Music That Will Increase Your Chances of Getting Laid — According to Science
Based on people’s music preferences for their sexy time
Can Sound Destroy Bacteria? Here’s What’s New in the Food Industry
An alternative to the traditional chlorine wash and thermal processing of food
Can Music Have Negative Effects on People?
There’s a B-side to music you didn’t know of.