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Te muestro todo lo que escribo sobre la actualidad en marketing, música, psicología, negocios y muchos otros temas más.
Descubre cómo potenciar la captación de clientes y mejorar su experiencia en tu negocio con mi eBook.
Al saber cómo tu cliente procesa el sonido y la música, puedes ajustar tus anuncios, personalizar la música de fondo en tu tienda o cualquier tipo de estrategia basada en la música que prefiere tu cliente.
En este libro descubrirás:
- Las 2 vías fundamentales en que procesamos la música
- Los 5 categorías de tu consumidor musical
- Las herramientas para conocer a tu público objetivo
- Decenas de ejemplos de música aplicada al marketing.
Entradas recientes
The day my airplane got hijacked
This is a story my roommate told me a couple of days ago during the quarantine. It was so unreal I had to write it and share it (she…
Is telepathy possible? The case of expert meditators
Telepathy = quantum non-locality. Studies with regular meditators have shown a connection at long distances. What about expert meditators?
What did Jesus think of music as an art form?
Since it’s Easter, what do we know about Jesus’ perception of music?This is a personal research based on Jesus’ encounters with music.
Fellow customer, look at me!
There’s plenty of things that distract us and we easily lose focus. So how the hell do we get people to see our brand?
The First 3 Phases in Meditation
Now is a great opportunity to start meditating. You’re stuck at home so don’t make up excuses and begin practicing. Let’s dive in!
No more ads please! But what about implicit advertisement?
People are fleeing from any publicity made by brands. They even are paying not to look at them (Hsu, 2019). Music might be a solution.
Music, help us in these tormented days!
There’s no evidence of another species that has acquired a liking to music as humans have. We love music. We like how it makes us…
Sounds where there were none before
What for many might be considered traits of excellence and commodity,for manufacturers of unconventional cars has become an issue: silence.