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Is telepathy possible? Shocking discovery

You wouldn’t have guessed how something like quantum non-locality might be involved in this. Second ingredient: meditation research.

The day my airplane got hijacked

This is a story my roommate told me a couple of days ago during the quarantine. It was so unreal I had to write it and share it (she…


Fellow customer, look at me!

There’s plenty of things that distract us and we easily lose focus. So how the hell do we get people to see our brand?


The First 3 Phases in Meditation

Now is a great opportunity to start meditating. You’re stuck at home so don’t make up excuses and begin practicing. Let’s dive in!


Music, help us in these tormented days!

There’s no evidence of another species that has acquired a liking to music as humans have. We love music. We like how it makes us…

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